.22 Bullseye
Bullseye shooting is a traditional style, shooting one-handed at targets 50 feet away (our indoor range limitation). It’s a nationally administered and scored program, now named NRA Precision Pistol. Itasca Gun Club runs Bullseye matches for both .22 rimfire pistols and .45 ACP pistols. Optics are acceptable.
Our .22 Bullseye Pistol League begins in November or December. The league will shoot the NRA gallery course which are 600 point, 60 shot matches consisting of slow-fire, timed-fire and rapid-fire using .22 caliber pistols. Most competitors use Red Dot or similar non-magnifying scopes.
Starting times this season will be 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, or possibly 6:00 PM if interest is high. There are seven lanes available. Shooters can choose the time they prefer if available. Seniority will rule when it comes to selecting starting times. This is open to the public, as well as Itasca Gun Club Members.
Competition will be based on NRA classification, the classes being Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master and High Master. Medals will be awarded to the Champion of each class. Unclassified shooters will be grouped in an unclassified Masters class until they get their NRA classification.
Each person fires 60 rounds per night, in organized five shot strings of slow, timed and rapid fire.
There will be practice time available on the indoor range during the Wednesday and Friday morning Pistols and Coffee.
If you have a question or want to sign up, please contact the current holder of the club cell phone (218) 256-9431 or email igcclubaccount@yahoo.com
The indoor range/classroom is located at the intersection of Itasca County 61 and Itasca County 325. For Internet mapping, use 28006 Arbo Rd, Grand Rapids.
Typical setup for .22 Bullseye league shooting. Those targets are 50 feet away, so optics are legal to use. The weight of the sight can help stabilize the pistol and make it a little easier to shoot.